Monday, February 06, 2017

Casting Yard

A casting yard  is a confined place where all the concrete structures like segments, I-griders/ beams etc are casted. The casting yard brings factory- controlled production techniques, efficiency, quality control, and time savings to bridge construction. Fabricating bridge segments in a separate area also removes casting operations from the construction critical path and reduces overall construction time.

 Regardless of the project location or size, a contractor's casting yard for bridge segments has several essential features. These include:

  • delivery and storage areas, 
  • a concrete batch plant, 
  • a rebar cage assembly area, 
  • one or more casting cells, 
  • steam curing facilities,
  • geometric control stations, and
  • segment storage and handling facilities.
The size of yard depends upon the size of the job and required rate of segment production. A typical production rate is four or five segments per five - day work week.

Producing bridge segments in casting yard away from the bridge construction site is a major advantage of segmental concrete bridges.

(For more detail go to

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