What information is needed to start design of bridge as per IRC:5?
According to it, following information is needed before starting design of bridge:
- General data including maps, plans & topographic features.
- Index map showing location of bridge.
- Contour survey plan.
- Site Plan (showing all relevant details).
- Cross- section of channel.
- Hydraulic data for particular bridge site selected.
- Geological data.
- Loading data.
- Determination of design discharge.
- Determination of linear waterway and effective linear waterway.
- Spacing and location of piers and abutments.
- Vertical clearance.
- Freeboard.
- Obstruction and river training.
- Determination of maximum depth of scour.
- Culverts.
- Kerbs.
- Width of Roadway and foot-way.
- Super elevation.
- Drainage of roadway.
- Expansions joints.
- Bridge foundations.