Thursday, February 09, 2017

Types of Load

Types of Load

  1. Dead Loads
  2. Live Loads
  3. Dynamic effects
  4. Wind Loads
  5. Seismic Loads
  6. Erection Loads
  7. Temperature effects
  8. Soil and Hydro static pressure

Dead loads IS 875 (Part 1 ):

 It consist of weight of the RCC and all the material supported by it permanently. Example self weight of wall, floor , roof , beam etc. It is calculated on the basis of unit weights of material as given in IS 875 (Part 1 ).

Live Loads IS 875 (Part 2 ):

 Loads which are temporarily rest at one place. Example furniture, snow load on roof, moving load on bridges.

Dynamic effects:

Live loads which produce vibrations by impact such as moving trains, trucks and cranes, produce greater effects than would be produced by the same loads if stationary. The additional effect is called the dynamic effect.

Wind Loads IS 875 (Part 3 ):

Liability of structure to high wind pressure depend not only on geographical location but also on characteristic of structure. 

 Seismic Load (IS: 1893):

Earthquake shock cause movement of ground on which structure is situated. Movement of ground results in structure to vibrate.

Erection Loads:

Storage of construction material and erection equipment including all loads due to operation of such equipment.

Temperature effects:

The provisions for maximum expansion and contraction has to be allowed in the structure. In ordinary building , such as low rise dwellings whose lateral dimension do not exceed 45m , the effects due to temperature fluctuations and shrinkage and creep can be ignored in design.

 Soil and Hydro static pressure:

Pressure exerted by soil or water on structure below ground level.

Note: I have seen student not able to clear DCS 1 . Please see IS 456 clause 18 everything is given there. You can easily get theory marks if you have gone through IS 456.