Click node table under Node/element
Click highlighted text box to create new node
Click node table under Node/element
Click highlighted text box to create new node
Compact nodes number
you can see few nodes are connected to element and few nodes which are free.
under delete node. click on only free node.
click merge
click on divide node
Click Node/ element
click unequal distance, choose required axis . Let we choose x. Than click distance, if we are typing 2,4, 5@1= it means node to be copied at 2m , 4m and 5 times at 1m spacing. than use select all or select single to select single node. click apply. In this first node is created 2m apart in x direction, second is created 4m apart from second node. Than third node are created 1m apart from second node and so on.
Click Node/ element
click on view
double click on any entities
Filtering selection chooses line element selectively based on elements directional orientation while applying graphical orientation.